Friday, May 25

Pirates 3

I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 last night. It was kind of lame.
I really liked the first of the trilogy. The second was pretty good as well. This one felt like it tried to do to much and it lost the charm of the other two with all the intermingled plot lines. It seemed like they made up plot lines, for plot lines, just to see how many plot lines they could fit into 3 hours. On top of that, everything in the movie feel like it was already done in the last two. They had a chance to use Chow Yun Fat's character to make the franchise feel new and interesting again and they ruin that in the first half of the movie. Don't get me wrong, this is a fun movie, and there is a lot of action. It just could have been so much more. It seems Pirates has fallen victim to the dreaded 3 curse (Matrix, Star Wars, Jaws, & Halloween to name a few others in the weaker 3rd movie club). I guess over all I would give this movie a 3 devil horns out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. I always trust your movie reviews. Except Gummo. You freak!
